Breeze woman long johns are soft and lightweight long johns in the very finest Merino wool quality, specially developed for days with a need for ultra-light clothing that is breathable and regulates body temperature. Also perfect as the innermost layer next to the body in cold weather.
Expedition is an underwear garment designed with dual layers for extreme weather conditions. Proven on several polar expeditions.
The inner layer is made of 100 % Merino wool, while the outer layer is 90 % Aquaduct treated Merino wool, combined with 10 % polyamide to improve durability.
Devold® Expedition insulates extremely well and has a unique ability to transport moisture. The Aquaduct Merino wool is specifically designed to move moisture away from the skin side of the fabric to the outer surface where it evaporates.
Technical Specification
Weight 235 g/m2
Material 100% Merino wool/90% Merino wool / 10% Polyamide
Fiber Fine: 18.7 micron